Take The Guess Work Out Of Weight Loss

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Medically backed weight loss solutions in Coralville, Iowa

If you’ve ever struggled to lose weight, you know how frustrating the experience can be. The myriad of diets out there and the latest health crazes can make weight loss seem like a complicated subject. Our weight loss service, Elite Living Medical Weight Loss, takes the guesswork out of fat loss.

Patient education combined with food and nutrition tracking allows our patients to achieve sustainable weight loss. Our individualized plan gives you the tools to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle for the long term. We also offer individualized workout programming specific to the client’s goals and accessibility.

Led by Kaitlyn Wheelan, MSN, ARNP, NP-C

Kaitlyn Wheelan, MSN, ARNP, NP-C, is highly trained and experienced in fat loss and medical weight loss. She is our Elite Living Medical Weight Loss service provider and is dedicated to helping patients achieve their weight loss goals.

Kaitlyn completed a graduate-level program to become an advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) and then became Board Certified by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. She also has her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree.

With her extensive education and knowledge of the human body, she can develop a plan that works with your anatomy and how it reacts to specific food. Kaitlyn has experienced a powerful weight loss journey herself. She has lost 120lb and kept that off for over 10 years. She did this solely with diet and exercise.

“Warmth & hospitality describe the staff & Dr. Andrews was kind & informative.”

Actual Patient

Your Elite Living Medical Weight Loss Plan

Elite Living Medical Weight Loss is a 12-week program focused on calories consumed compared to calories burned. Patients log their food and track their weight, and weight loss medication may be incorporated as well.

While this program is centered on nutrient-dense food for weight loss, we encourage patients to engage in exercise for additional health benefits. If desired, we can provide a workout program as well.


A Personalized Nutrition Plan

To understand the current state of your health and weight, we will conduct basic lab work. Kaitlyn will discuss your results, nutritional IQ and diet and medical history with you. She will also educate you on how weight loss occurs and then develop and explain your nutrition plan.

Your nutrition plan for weight loss will outline your calorie and macronutrient goals for each day. Kaitlyn will teach you how to log the food you eat and nutrient totals to keep you on track.

Medication-Assisted Weight Loss

For patients interested in medication to aid in their weight loss, we will explain the benefits and risks of using phentermine. This appetite suppressing medication may not be for everyone, especially those with heart or blood pressure issues.

For those who qualify, phentermine can effectively help with weight loss when used with a healthy diet.


Regular Meetings With Your Provider

After your first visit, you will meet with Kaitlyn several times throughout the following 12 weeks. We believe the accountability that comes from these meetings is critically important to your success.

If phentermine medication is part of your plan, you will come back to the office in one week. After that, most patients meet with Kaitlyn once per month, where she will evaluate their progress. At your final meeting at the end of the program, we will review where you’re at in relation to your goals and how you can maintain your weight loss results.